The evil within

by 10:04 AM 0 comments
Grotesque bosses, haunted hordes of half dead zombies, and on top of it, a limited supply of ammo to defend yourself against Ruvik. The creator of resident evil franchise, Shinji Mikami finally delivered a game as good as resident evil 2 and 4.

Scarce resources and ammunition are the key to making a good survival horror game. Other games like Alien:Isolation made quite an impact on the gaming industry following the same strategy of giving limited resources to the player.

The dust or blood like particles floating in the air add to the scary environment of the game. As the game proceeds you will encounter the bosses, and you will forget about environment and you will solely focus on how to kill that entity to survive, and that my friend is what makes this game awesome.

The only thing that kinda sucked the fun out of the game is the awkward position of camera and character control, it made it difficult to watch around the corners to look for trouble but I think that, not knowing what is around the corner added to the scary element of the game.

Horror is nothing without a good story and this game's plot has all of the horror punchlines. The story is about Ruvik, the villain and Sebastian, the protagonist. The player will get to know about the past of Sebastian through a series of lost diaries that will be found before every checkpoint and through a series of visions that Sebastian will have. We will know about the tragedies that convert a genius, innocent child into blood thirsty sadist.


Sebastian along with his partners Joseph Oda and Juli Kidman, enter a hospital to respond to a massacre at the hospital. After a short while they begin experiencing a series of unfortunate events that revolve around a mentally unstable patient named Leslie Withers and Ruvik. Ruvik was using Leslie as a way of his return to the real world, so to prevent that Kidman is determined to kill Sebastian but our hero stands against her.

Some screens from game

Above is a vision that Sebastian is having about past of Ruvik. These visions generally had Ruvik in injured state explaining his progress on an experiment that he was conducting along with Dr Marcelo Jimenez, also the doctor of Leslie.

The mirror acts as a portal which takes Sebastian to the asylum where upgrading chair and other utilities are kept.

Weapon's wheel has a maximum of eight elements. Sebastian has a wide range of weapons like a sniper rifle, shotgun, magnum and other tools like medicine box, matches.

The game has an innovative approach as to how Sebastian will upgrade his skills and save his checkpoint. The given scene involved an asylum which can only be reached through a special mirror, and there were all the tools which made Sebastian stronger. Nurse Tatiana taught Sebastian how to use various resources of the asylum. Upgrades can only be purchased in exchange on green goo like stuff.

Sebastian shooting Ruvik in final game sequence.

The anomaly chasing Sebastian in a spooky hallway.

Another scene from final game sequence.

Sebastian staring down at the insanely crazy and deadly maze.

The beacon hospital's light.

Sebastian aiming a rocker launcher at the final Ruvik monster

Sebastian being surrounded by the sewer's half dead haunted.

Laura coming after Sebastian after tearing a metal mesh.

A haunted being sliced by the maze's blade.

The mind having the control of the whole haunted world.

The sewer monster.

Sebastian performing a silent kill on a haunted.

Sebastian shooting blinding and shock bolt at the ring leaders of haunted.

Laura creeping on Sebastian from behind the metal mesh cage.

Ruvik explaining his whole plan and why he is invincible.

Laura mashing the Sebastian's head to pulp.

Sebastian shooting a 50 cal at the final boss.

Sebastian shooting at the burning haunted.
Ruvik inside the mind of the final boss.

The best part of the game was figuring out how to defeat the bosses because you cant solely rely on fire power and melee attacks to defeat the bosses. You have to utilize your ammo and various bolts in best way possible. Having full knowledge of your surroundings and traps is essential while in a fight against a truly terrifying entity like the keeper(i call it square head) and the multi-limbed Rebon Laura (the hairy creature).. whoooo...they still scare the sh*t out of me..sometimes you will find yourself cornered without anything left to fight back but you have to keep your calm and run.

So that you can come up with a strategy and beat the shit out of that monster.. and the feeling you get when after a long struggle you finally emerge victorious from jaws of an evil... well that is feel invincible and encouraged to advance forward into the deeper and darker evil just to get that feeling again. After playing this game you will not be afraid of dark and evil cos your nerves will be of steel.

My final opinion on the game:

The realistic game play, amazing graphics, spooky surrounding, a psychotic villain constantly giving you creeps...well what else you need to keep you sleepless and awake for nights. Well there is always a room for improvement, like full screen glitch fix and better placement of camera but nevertheless if you want to start playing survival horror but you don't want to play classics like resident evil 4, this game is a solid recommendation.


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